Monument Rocks - Star of Bethlehem July 2015

While driving home to Scott City, Kansas last week from Houston, I noticed two stars in the sky.  These stars looks different, I had not seen anything like this in the past.  What could this be?  Lynette told me to stop looking as I was weaving all over the road, but I could not take my eyes off of them as if they were drawing me in to them!

During the 12 hours from Houston, I could not stop thinking about the stars!  What was it?  Well, upon arriving, I asked Tim and Patrina if they had seen the stars and if they had seen them.  Yes! Don’t you know?  They are considered the Star of Bethlehem and it has only come about 2000 years ago.  You can learn more here at this website.  

and here

After taking photo’s at the Scott County Lake that evening, we drove out to Monument Rocks north of Scott County and just inside of Gove County.  I had previously noticed that it was going to be a full moon and wanted to capture images of the full moon inside of the eye of the monument rocks.

The time was supposed to be about 9:47pm.  Clouds were on the horizon, so would this stump our efforts to capture the moonrise that evening? 

Everything was going well except that there was another photographer there at the same time and he had set up right in the opening of the rocks.  What to do?  Take his photo in the process and make it a unique part of my photos series.

I set up out in the field away from the rock formation in anticipation of the moonrise.  Patrina, asked, “are you sure of the time”?  As we waited, we were talking to pass the time and then she started yelling, “it’s coming, it’s coming, it is here as she pointed”!  We both quickly started making images of the rising moon as it danced between the clouds.  What a spectacular show!

Well, after the show, my attention turned to the other side of the rocks and the Star of Bethlehem!  This turned out to be the show as the monumental moment that was taking place is mind blowing!

God has a plan for me and on this night he was putting on a show that was planned by God and put on by God!

Composition of this shot was critical, as I wanted the rocks and the stars to bring the viewer into the moment.  This image was processed in Adobe Lightroom and Topaz star effects.

When everything comes together you have rare Moments like this that Matter!  I hope you enjoy the Moments, as Moments do Matter!

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