Schnebly Redland's Winery

The first stop for us as we drove out of the Everglades National Park was the Schneby Winery. Lynette and I had been there with her folks a little over a year ago and the place has totally changed. The grounds, buildings, Cheekee huts, Waterfalls, have all been added.
The Cheekee hut is very impressive in that the size is just overwhelming. The construction is amazing. However, I just would hate to see this go if a Hurricane might hit.

Under the walkway was a lagoon that had been cut out of the limestone. Large blocks were removed from the ground to create the waterfalls. The size of the stones were impressive as well. The grounds were taking shape to become a very tropical paradise.

Dad overlooking one of the waterfalls.

The winery is the Southermost Winery in the United States. They make Tropical Fruit wines from fruit that is locally grown. Mango, Jack Fruit, Star fruit, etc., you get the idea.
Just checking out the waterfall as well. I can see that there will be weddings, receptions and I am sure corporate events taking place at the winery.
This structure will hold five or six hundred people easy.

Dad just outside of the tasting room. We did not go in for tasting on this trip. Lynette and I have been in before, but Dad's health will not allow it, so, we did not tempt it.

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