Fairchild Tropical Gardens

Saturday the 26th we went to the Fairchild Tropical Gardens to attend the 2nd annual Chocolate Festival. Wow, what a wonderful day, the weather was just tremendous, about 75 degrees.

We arrived at the Gardens around 9:15am and purchased a ticket for my father as my wife and I are currently members. The event was free for members and $15.00 for non-members.

The day was all about Chocolate.

The Cacao tree with it's seed pod that is attached to the trunk of the tree. We attended a lecture called Cacao 101 by Maricel Presilla, the author of The New Taste of Chocolate.
I have a new appreciation for the history of Chocolate, how the tree is grown, harvested in Latin America by small farmers and brought to market. So many different types of trees and the high cost of Cacao if it is from the right type of trees and processed properly.
The next time I eat a piece of chocolate I will wonder where it came from and the percent of Cacao it contains.
Below you will find the links to the lecture that we attended and the Fairchild Tropical Garden link.
Maricel Presilla
Cucharamama 233 Clinton St. Hoboken, NJ (201) 420-1700 info@cucharamama.com · Zafra Zafra 301 Willow St. Hoboken, NJ (201) 610-9801 info@zafrakitchens.com ...www.maricelpresilla.com/ - 8k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden
Established in 1938, Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden has an extensive botanical collection of rare tropical plants including palms, cycads, ...www.fairchildgarden.org/ - 42k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
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